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Models of Course Delivery Available:  

  • on-demand (pre-recorded, self-study, non-interactive) 
  • remote (attendance is on-line via Zoom in real-time, interactive) 

in-person (attendance is face to face, interactive) 

To learn more about available continuing education courses, and/or to purchase a course:  CLICK HERE

On-Demand CE Courses  

  • Obstetrical Safety: Avoiding Malpractice (CLICK FOR COURSE DESCRIPTION) 
  • Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Uterine Activity, and Risk Management Strategies (CLICK FOR COURSE DESCRIPTION) 
  • Link Between Uterine Activity in Labor, Fetal Status, and Liability (CLICK FOR COURSE DESCRIPTION) 
  • Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (CLICK FOR COURSE DESCRIPTION) 

Remote or in-persons learning sessions: To schedule a remote or in-person learning session CONTACT US HERE.

Speaking Engagements: Barber Medical Legal Nurse Consulting LLC is available for speaking engagements. If you would like us at your next event CONTACT US HERE.